Eventeam Groupe – Vos plus grands événements

Remerciement Eventeam pour la coupe du monde de rugby en france


After two intense months where we experienced all kinds of emotions, we are definitively closing the chapter on this magnificent Rugby World Cup France 2023 🏉🏆.

During these 51 days of competition, we shared unforgettable moments alongside our clients, our loyal partners, and hundreds of thousands of supporters from all over France.

✨As the official hospitality agency of the Stade de France®, the Eventeam Live team was able to welcome thousands of guests who had the pleasure of seeing prestigious matches while enjoying optimal comfort and VIP reception conditions.

Our Eventeam Live Travel experts deployed a logistical operation across the various World Cup sites to manage the travel and stays of a significant number of international supporters.

💡 Always close to the sporting action, Eventeam Ideas supported its clients Eden Park and JLR, partners of this RWC 2023, in their activation campaigns.

🎆We are also proud to have co-produced alongside KENEO and the agencies Modus Operandi Consulting, Agence PGO, CarmaSport, R&D PROD five of the Official Rugby Villages of this World Cup, in the cities of Toulouse Métropole, Nantes Métropole, Ville de Nice, Ville de Saint-Denis, and Ville de Marseille.

THANK YOU to everyone for the trust placed in EVENTEAM GROUP, which has allowed us to close this chapter with the satisfaction of having fulfilled our mission: to bring you the most beautiful emotions.

Bravo and thank you also to all our collaborators, for their expertise and their daily commitment, without which this adventure would not have been such a great success.